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Cérémonie des 20 ans d'Ecotrel ASBL et 15 ans d'Ecobatterien ASBL

28 mai 2024

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ECOTREL ASBL and ECOBATTERIEN ASBL Celebrate Their 20th and 15th Anniversaries at Mudam

From May 27th to 29th

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Visit of His Royal Highness the Grand Duke to the Manual Dismantling Center for Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) in Bettembourg.

Thursday, May 23rd

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À vos cubes pour trier vos piles !

La gestion responsable des ressources

Ecobatterien est un organisme agréé par la Ministre de l’Environnement, du Climat et du Développement durable pour endosser les obligations à charge des producteurs et importateurs de piles et accumulateurs telles que décrites dans la loi modifiée du 19/12/2008.

Semaine du développement durable

19 janvier 2024


25 octobre 2023

Journée "Upcycling, réemploi et valorisation de déchets"

Dimanche 21 mai 2023

Journée Mondiale de la Terre

22 Avril 2023

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Responsible management of resources

Ecobatterien is approved by the Ministry of the Environement, Climat and Biodiversity and endorses the obligations of producers and importers of batteries and accumulators as described in the modified law of the 19/12/2008.

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Ecobatterien and the circular economy

Ecobatterien aims to integrate the concept of extended producer responsibility into that of the circular economy in order to promote the responsible management of resources.

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Ecobatterien and the corporate responsability

Ecobatterien constantly measures the environmental and social impacts of its activities by complying with strict procedures that are an integral part of a CSR policy in its daily activities.

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Ecobatterien in figures


batteries placed on the market each year



165.000 kg

of portable batteries collected a year


accredited collectors and social service companies

On video